The book Thousand Unspoken Thoughts is a collection of 50 sweet poems which are soothing on mind.Anyways I got this book from Prerna and I had literally no expectations as I only got to know her when I took her Interview for this blog.Even after the interview I was not sure what to expect from this book.I personally like short fiction than poems but this book actually was so light on my mind that I finished it in one go only to later come back and re read the selective ones which I liked.But ,Wow I have never come across a poem collection which is written by an armature who is using the skill of poem writing to show what she sees and how she sees and is actually an advocate by profession and yet written so sensitive in her poems.The poems are not heavy on mind and are refreshing.
The poem collection moves from different perspectives of life and how the poet sees it.which you can connect with.The poems do look like someones debut poems but every word is constructed beautifully and has its own charm.The rhyme formation is simple and easy to understand and you feel like you connect with it someway or the other.Yes,there are emotions involved with each and every poem but they are light and you get a sense of what they imply.Some of my favorite lines are as below :
Also as soon as the book starts it engrosses you with something you want to read and know what makes the poet wrote it. here is a look at what I am talking about , i dont want to give spoilers so , buy the book and read what she wants to tell and how she sees the things.

Now if the above few first lines from the book makes sense to you , you have to buy this book and read all the amazing work she has done.If you are one of those who dont like to read poems because they are heavy on mind and difficult to understand this book will change that notion.
Overall the book is a onetime read and is very easy to understand.The book is short lengthen ,can be read in a day is light on the mind as well.We wish her all the best and congratulate on her debut book and all the best for Masters in International Business and Commercial Law.Not to forget she is already working on her upcoming poem collection.
Overallrating : 4/5
Reviewed by : Rahul Miglani , Follow him at Twitter and Facebook Follow @twitter
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