I am Sasiprabha, a simple girl from God's Own Country - Kerala !
I enjoy being a doctor by profession, a writer by passion and also a
motivational speaker in an attempt to use my experiences for some good and
positive purpose. In the world of authors, I am a newbie with my maiden novel
'My Moonlit Pilgrimage' being published in 2012. Presently I am working on my
next two books
which are expected to be released by the middle of 2014.
I belong to such form of youth who hates normalcy. Friends describe me as a kind of girl who is too much passionate about life. Yes, I am a great admirer of life, love, beauty, hope and anything and everything that is good. I search for these and try to create them. I cant point out one or two things like books, movie, music, rain but anything that is beautiful wins my heart !
2. How you first got involved in with writing, are you a
imaginative person ?
I used to scribble a lot when I was a child. My mom has a great
collection of classics from English literature and that is the world in which I
grew up. Later on I had to concentrate more on shaping my career and both
reading and writing disappeared from my life. But towards the end of college
life, I was freed from such a burden and my small write ups shared on social
media gave me readers who inspired me to get published. It was never expected
or preplanned, but happened as a natural process.
Yes, I am a dreamer and I dream more with open eyes than with closed eyes. Of course, imagination rules the world and so it does my life too !
Yes, I am a dreamer and I dream more with open eyes than with closed eyes. Of course, imagination rules the world and so it does my life too !
3. What do you find most challenging about writing about your
topic ?
The most challenging thing for me is to write within a specific
word limit. At first it was too difficult for me as I felt it is affecting the
freedom of expression. But now I am used to it too.
4. Tell me about some people you have met from writing world?
Actually, being in this southern corner, I havent yet met
someone to point out. Of course, looking forward to meet soon all those
wonderful people with whom I am in connection virtually !
5. How would (someone)describe your writing style ?

6. What do you do when you are not writing ?
As told, I am a doctor by profession and I spend half of the day
at hospital. At other times, if not writing, music,books, movies, friends,
shopping, cooking, gardening or a simple walk outside occupies me.
7. Where do you see yourself writing wise in next 6 months, and 5
years down the road ?
In next 6 months, I expect my next two books to be released.
Beyond that I have only dreams now,not plannings. And I believe in the power of
my dreams !
8. What networking do you do that you feel helps your writing
business ?
As most of the writers do now a days, I have taken the help of
social media networking to find out and utilise the opportunities.
9. How do you come up with contents / ideas for your stories?
Many people struggle with coming up with different ideas.
I get the concepts solely from two different things - experience
and observation. These two things when flavoured with imagination form my
stories and poems ! Anything from the surroundings or within that catch my
senses shape itself into a write up later.
10. What is your strategy with your writing in general ?
Writing is a natural process for me. Precisely, I write to
express,not to impress. I will keep on writing irrespective of the outcomes. So
obviously I dnt have any defined strategies.
11. Any specific tips you have for newbie wtiters who want to
make it into writing world ?
Myself being a beginner, how can I give such tips ! But one
thing I love to say - be genuine.
12. What is the best thing a writer can give to his reader ?
A handful of emotions ! A writer or artist succeed when he / she
creates emotions. The way to readers is through their hearts,I believe.
13. A lot of people are interested in writing for the money
earning potential. What are some tips for people interested in making money
from writing ? What are some realistic expectations in regards to what can be
made ?
I cant support money minded writing. But yes, when you excel in
writing, money too may come naturally. But concentrating on money is not a good
attitude for a writer in my personal point of view.
14. What motivates you most in life ?
My own dreams - the ultimate source of motivation for me !
15. What has been your strategy for creating visibility to
yourself and your writing ?
I wish for the visibility to my writing, not to myself. I have
depended on online marketing programmes for the purpose.
16. Everyone has a favourite / least favourite post. Name yours
and why ?
Whatever I wrote is favourite for me, so I cant point out the least
favourite one. Most favourite is my story 'Unknown Author' because this is the
first short story I wrote and it gave me confidence that I can write within
specific word limit.
17. Name some of the authors you look upto and why ?
Shakespeare, Victor Hugo, Gorge Orewell, O Henry, Ravindra Nath
Tagore, Pablo Neruda, Elizabeth Barret Browning - this list wont end !
Why is an insignificant question here as these are the Gods of literature.
Why is an insignificant question here as these are the Gods of literature.
18. Five adjectives that describes you.
1. Passionate
19. What book would you say has made the biggest impact, good or
bad on you ?
The book that has made the biggest impact on me ever is 'The
Merchant Of Venice' because that is the first book that I grabbed with
curiosity from my mom's bookshelf. I still remember that I used to turn its
pages before started learning English with a burning desire to read it !
20. Do you get easily provoked by positive / negative comments?
Nope. I always long for betterment. So anything about my writing
is heard with patience and balance.
21. Are you a judgemental person, do you prefer to take sides
instead of standing neutral?
I dnt judge people for noone on earth is perfect. I search for
goodness in people and happy with every little bit of goodness I discover. I
wont take the side of a person who is so obviously wrong, no matter however
dear he / she is to me personally.
22. What genre attracts you the most and which genre you avoid?
I am not a genre-specific reader. I read anything and everything
that I feel good.
23. Your views on contests and increasing plagiarism?
Contests are something really appreciable, provided they are
fair. They give chance to ablesome newbies to get published and help others to
improve their writing.
About plagiarism, I would love to say, genuinity is the strongest basement for any success. Nothing you gonna achieve ultimately if you are not true to yourself and to the readers.
About plagiarism, I would love to say, genuinity is the strongest basement for any success. Nothing you gonna achieve ultimately if you are not true to yourself and to the readers.
24. Words for me and my blogs Desire v/s Destiny and Blogger
Interviews and my website www.MyMagicJobs.com ?
I've gone through them thoroughly and it was really a nice
experience to know the fellow writers and bloggers more and closer through
detailed and friendly conversations. Nicely crafted work. Thanking you for
creating such platforms and wishing you all the very bests !
25. On winning award/s, Are they really necessary ?
Never ever. Win the heart of readers and live there forever.
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