1. Can you tell us a
little about yourself? Your blog, and your aspirations and your hobbies!!
Okay, I'm a frustrated, slightly sadistic
architecture student like everyone else in my field who chose blogging as a
hobby to vent my anger and disappointment on my readers and sometimes share my
random thoughts, hopes and aspiration of graduating without chugging out money
(No, I swear to God, I've never done that.)Not that I don't love my course, but
it can get on my nerves at times, and when it does, I know exactly what to do -
Tap dancing on the keyboard!
2. How you first got
involved in with blogging, are you an imaginative person?
Blogging was more of an 'experiment' towards
discovering a new hobby. I would say I am an imaginative person considering the
fact that my imagination starts running haywire when I start thinking about
something. Sometimes people even find me jumping from one topic to another
which frustrates them but then, I can't help it!
3. What do you find
most challenging about blogging about your topic?
The fact that I don't write about a
particular topic makes it challenging, because then I have to write on
something as random as a pencil box in a way that doesn't put my readers to
sleep as well as convey my opinion on it which should at least seem to be
4. Tell me about
some of the people you have met while working on your blog?
Not many. Probably because I'm an introvert
who likes to stay in her own world (I bet you're surprised now). But I have met
some really interesting people in the only two IndiBlogger meets I've been to
and via my blog's comment section.
5. How would
(someone) describe your blogging style?
I blog about everything and anything that
comes in my mind which gives me the freedom to just go on about something like
my work on one day and maybe narrate a car accident on the next. So most people
use the word 'random' for my blog.
6. What do you do
when you are not working on your blog?
I am mostly trying to meet deadlines,
completing assignments, sheets and models, wasting time, sleeping or just
procrastinating my submissions to the last minute, and weirdly enough, that
last minute is the time when I suddenly feel like blogging and I can't sit
still till I have written a post. All calls and conversations are ignored
during those 30 minutes.
7 .Where do you see
yourself blogging wise in the next 6 months, and 5 years down the road?
6 months? I guess I'll probably be a few more
posts older and maybe a bit wiser, sitting with my head high in front of my laptop.
5 months? Haven't been looking out that far.
8. What networking
do you do that you feel helps your blogging business?
Firstly, I never give blogging the 'business'
tag. It's my hobby, and there is only a limited time I can devote to it.
But any way, if you can't write stuff that is
insanely funny, you can always spam you friends' Facebook homepage with links
of your latest posts, or go around commenting on random posts just for the sake
of having some more readers. (Not saying that I do all that, I have a strict
'Say something you actually feel or just shut up' policy)
9. How do you keep
coming up with material/content for your blog? Many people struggle with coming
up with different articles/posts and they only have one blog.

10. What’s your
strategy with your blog in general?
Strategy? Uhmmmm...Did I mention that
blogging is a hobby for me and I don't really get that beautiful time to plan
out my blog's future?
11. Any specific
tips you have for newbie bloggers who want to make it in the blogosphere?
Write what you want to write, not what you
think others want to read. Kindly use the mind boggling feature called spell
check in MS Word if you're unsure of your writing skills. Be yourself and don't
judge your blog on the basis of the number of readers you get, at least not
during the first few months (which was my case).
12. What would you
prioritize? Content? SEO? Traffic? Readers?
I love Readers, I really do. But the content
is what brings them (and traffic) to the blog.
13. What’s the best
thing a blogger can give to his readers?
A good laugh, something new to think about,
an opinion, an emotional experience or just a good way to pass his time.
14. A lot of people
are interested in blogging for the money earning potential. What are some tips
for people interesting in making money from blogging? What are some realistic
expectations in regards to what can be made?
Tips? You're asking the wrong person. I have
zilch experience in that field. My blog is strictly my space which runs the way
I want it to and I want it to stay that way.
15. What motivates
you most in life?
Experiences, hopes, desires and failures.
16. What has been
your strategy for creating visibility to yourself and your blog?
Visiting other blogs, sharing opinions and
respecting them, writing original content and posting links on social
networking sites like IndiBlogger, Facebook etc.
17 What was the most
challenging moment in your blog content development process and why?
There always comes that point when you feel
like you don't have anything to write about, and the more you avoid writing
because of that reason, the harder it becomes to get back to blogging. That
happens with me at times and that is the time when my blog posts are written
just for the heck of it and sometimes, they even look like it.
18. Everyone has a
favorite/least favorite post. Name yours and why?
Best - It's hard to point at one. It's like
asking a mum to pick her favourite kid out of her swarm of 80.
Worst - I got two. I probably won't make the
best mum in the world. :/
It went so long that I got bored reading it.
http://tapdancingfingers.wordpress.com/2013/02/14/my-blog-turns-1/ It was just for the heck of it.
19. Name some of the
bloggers whom you look up to and why?
I religiously follow bloggers like:
Jayanth (Black
and White Heart)
who has an emotionally stirring take on a lot of things in life.
Mills(The problem with young
people today is...) who's got an insane and awesome sense of humour.
and a Berliner (Hovercraftdoggy) who
make me go "Ooohh" and "awesome!" with their creative
20. What is the story
behind the name of the blog?
Being my first and only blog, I admit to have
spent about 20 minutes just thinking of a name for my blog and fortunately, I
came up with one which does amuse people a bit. I named it 'Tap Dancing
Fingers' because I feel that writing is a beautiful thing, like dance which has
the ability to move you, quite literally (hopefully because of laughter, or
maybe the urge to just wring my neck. Whichever way you go).
21. Your connection
with any Blogger Network like Indi blogger or Writeupcafe or any other and the
I got on the IndiBlogger network almost an
year back and haven't looked back since. It is parallel universe where I can
find so many bloggers with varied interests with the opportunity to interact
with them. Going to those few IndiBlogger meets have made me feel like a part
of a huge family, where barriers like distance and strangerness (not sure if
that's a word) don't come in between.
22. Which genre do
you feel gets the raw deal?
Probably blogs on social causes, fiction and
23. Which one
plug-in would you suggest all bloggers to have?
Follow via email
24. Five adjectives
that describe you.
25. What book would
you say has made the biggest impact good or bad on you?
I don't read that much. *Now I'm feeling a
bit awkward.*
Not really. I like reading positive ones, but
the negative ones help me improve my writing. It's all good unless people get
personal (which they never do, at least not on my blog).
27. Do you plan to
write a book, as every bloggers dream it is?
Not really, because a book needs time to
devoted to it along with a lot of hard work, and I lack the former. So I day
dream away instead.
28. Are you a
judgmental person, do you prefer to take sides instead of standing neutral?
Yes, I am judgemental to some extent. I
prefer having an opinion about everything rather than standing somewhere in the
29. Your
collaboration with other bloggers, are you much into social networking, tell us
everything about it?
I've never had a guest post on my blog or
written one for any other blog. I'm slightly more rooted towards the real world
rather than the virtual one. Though I've made a few really good friends via the
30. What genre
attracts you the most and which genre you avoid?
I find fiction the most appealing and like
most bloggers, I tend to refrain from tech reviews, or subjects I don't have
knowledge about.
31. Your Views on
Contests and increasing plagiarism?
Contests are a great way to interact with
fellow bloggers and experiment with your writing as you are made to step out of
your genre and try a new one.
Plagiarism is what people do when they weigh
popular material over individuality which is sad. What is the point of writing
when you're simply copy-pasting someone else's thoughts? That is a brutal way
of killing the joy of writing.
32. Words for me and
my blog.
I really like the idea of having blogger
interviews. It lets you know more about so many people from different genres
and gives them a platform to talk about their blog. All the best to you and
thank you for having me here. :)
33. On winning the
Award/s, Are they Really necessary.
Awards are encouraging and make you feel
good, but one shouldn't
take them to the head because that ultimately destroys the fun in writing. I think a blogger can always survive without an award.
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